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Why You Need Professional Pond Management Services

Beware of Do-It-Yourself Solutions and Recommendations From Inexperienced Sources for Your Lake and Pond Problems

At Aquatic Environment Consultants, one of our greatest challenges is educating our clients about the difficulties associated with proper pond and lake management. Too often, our clients receive recommendations for fixing pond and lake problems like algae from inexperienced sources or try their own DIY solutions that don’t really address the problem. 

Engineering firms, landscape companies and environmental firms often claim to have magic solutions for solving a pond or lake problem. While these companies are experts in their respective fields, they have limited knowledge concerning pond and lake management. Although their recommendations may seem valid, these businesses do not have the experience or knowledge to evaluate the situation properly. These “fixes” are often ineffective and lead to wasted time, money, and efforts. 

Honest & Effective Solutions to Common Pond and Lake Problems

When dealing with aquatic plant management, there is no quick fix or magic solution that can make a problem disappear. Usually, by the time clients contact us about a noxious weed or algae situation, the pond or lake has already seen many years of abuse by man and Mother Nature. Just as it takes time for an aquatic environment to deteriorate, it also takes time to improve or correct the problem.

Luckily, there are many options for addressing pond and lake problems, and AEC is trained to help customers with them all. Nutrient inactivation, dredging, mechanical harvesting, biological control or treatments with herbicides and algaecides are all viable options. However, many of these options can be time-consuming or cost-prohibitive.

Controlling Lake Weeds and Algae with Herbicides

Often the quickest and most cost-effective results for controlling a weed or algae problem in your pond or lake can be attained by treating with herbicides and algaecides. You may have heard that using herbicides for lake weeds and algae treats the symptoms and not the cause: this is not a bad thing. More times than not, the nutrients that are present in a pond or lake cannot be removed from the treatment equation – you must deal with the situation at hand in the best manner possible.

By using herbicides to control nuisance pond and lake vegetation, you can get fast, effective results that lead to both the symptoms and the problem itself disappearing. Once the target species is eradicated, other, more beneficial, species can move back into your pond or lake.

Professional Pond and Lake Management Services


Treating aquatic vegetation is not a concrete science but rather a blend of science and art. Many years of experience with a multitude of weed and algae scenarios have given the experts at Aquatic Environment Consultants the primary expertise to produce a sound management plan for a given pond or lake situation. We know what solutions work and what doesn’t. 

Professional pond and lake management services – not some unproven DIY solution or inexperienced recommendation – will provide you with a long-term solution for your pond or lake problem. The AEC experts provide our clients with effective solutions to their pond and lake problems based on more than 30 years of experience as a consulting business.

Trust the Pond and Lake Management Experts At AEC

Aquatic Environment Consultants is an experienced leader in the pond and lake management industry since 1987, offering high-quality, professional services at competitive prices in Pennsylvania, Virginia, West VirginiaMaryland and Delaware. Do you have a problem with your pond or lake? It’s time to contact the professionals. Request a free consultation from our expert pond and lake management team today!

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