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Common Invasive Fish in the Mid-Atlantic

There are nearly 200 invasive species known or possible in the Mid-Atlantic region, each of which can have damaging effects on native ecosystems and threaten entire habitats. Understanding their impact and knowing what to look for is essential to keeping these invasive species out of native waters and preserving the aquatic ecosystems we know and love.

Read on to learn more about common invasive fish in the area. If you think you have one of these populations in your lake or pond, AEC Lakes can help by providing professional invasive species management.

Dangers and Impact of Invasive Fish

Invasive species are a significant danger to ecosystems in the Mid-Atlantic region, and their prevalence is rising as factors like global trade continue to contribute to outside exposure. Invasive species are difficult to manage and remove, so the best method of control is prevention.

The greatest risk regarding invasive species is the effect they have on natural resources and ecological processes. Native species compete with invasive ones for resources, and the invasive species often win, leading to native extinction or reduced biodiversity and introducing other problems.

Invasive species may:

Invasive fish can arrive in an ecosystem in many ways. These can be natural, such as hurricanes and ocean currents, or due to human actions, such as released cargo ballast, live bait or aquarium fish.

Common Invasive Fish

In the Mid-Atlantic region, there are many invasive species, including:

Solve Your Invasive Fish Issues With AEC Lakes

While the above list is not exhaustive, it does cover some of the fish you’re most likely to see here in the Mid-Atlantic region. Here at AEC Lakes, we have extensive experience dealing with invasive populations and can help you identify their presence and manage, control or remove the species.

Read up on our fish management services and request a consultation to learn more about invasive fish control with an AEC Lakes expert.

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