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Golf Course Pond Management

Pond Management for Golf Courses

You spend a lot of time and money delivering an exceptional experience for both your members and their guests. Tees, greens and fairways need constant attention and that is where the course staff excel. The ponds and other water bodies on the course require attention as well and that is where we excel. We can provide you with the help you need to keep your irrigation pond or water feature weed and algae free allowing you more time to focus on other tasks that need taken care of.

Aquatic Environment Consultants (AEC) has more than 30 years of experience with golf course pond management. By outsourcing your golf course’s lake and pond management to our team, you’ll gain a committed partner who can help you keep algae and other water quality issues in check.

Algae Control Basics

Controlling algae is one of the main water quality management issues faced by golf courses. While algae is present in some quantity in any healthy lake or pond, excessive blooms that produce murky green water are an unsightly scene that leaves a strong negative impression on your guests.

At AEC, we understand how important clear waters are to your clients. That’s why we offer sophisticated golf course algae control solutions that strike a balance between a healthy lake and one that contributes to the overall aesthetic appeal of your grounds. To do this, we attack the root causes of excessive algae growth, whether they involve poor aeration or lack of nutrient control.

The first step in any intervention is a comprehensive water quality assessment from one of our team members. We’ll discuss your concerns, perform testing for a variety of factors and develop a remediation strategy that restores your lake or pond to its former glory.

Crystal Clear Lakes and Ponds Made Easy

In addition to emergency interventions, AEC provides ongoing algae management that takes the trouble out of keeping your lakes and ponds clean. Rather than making drastic changes when things get bad, minor adjustments can ensure your water is free of harmful algae for the long run.

AEC offers on-site service at golf courses throughout the Midwest and Mid-Atlantic regions. While we’re there, our team can consult about other lake and pond issues, including the benefits of adding an aerating fountain and the health of any fish populations in your ponds.

Golf Course Pond Consult

Why AEC?

AEC has a long history of effective golf course lake and pond management. Just ask D. Barber of Cranberry Township, PA, who “contacted Bill Kirkpatrick at Aquatic Environment Consultants, Inc. to treat our ponds at the golf course and the results were tremendous. The ponds were 100% clean and our water source was much better. The algae in the turf was minimized and we didn’t have to waste endless man hours on our ponds.”

Results such as these speak to both the skill of our staff and our overall commitment to excellence. Our team includes university-educated aquatic biologists with a strong background in algae remediation, aeration and other issues. Find out more, or book your initial consultation, by contacting our office today.

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