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De-Icing Your Pond With Air

While many of us enjoy the beautiful nature and serene quality of lakes and ponds, these bodies of water are not immune to their set of seasonal problems. Thankfully, with diffused aeration, a multi-faceted management tool for ponds and lakes, we can combat some of the most common pond and lake problems in east coast bodies of water to ensure healthy waterbodies for humans and animals alike. 

One of the main problems that ponds and lakes in our area face is a lack of mixing during the summer months. The surface water warms and is less dense than the cooler water at the bottom of the pond. Therefore, the two layers do not mix. A condition called thermocline occurs where the two layers meet and the temperature changes rapidly. As summer turns to fall and the waterbody begins to cool, a unique process occurs. The water on the surface of the pond begins to cool and become denser and falls to mix with the bottom water. The pond will become uniform in temperature from top to bottom and the thermocline disappears.  

The next step in the progression of a cooling waterbody is the formation of ice. As ambient temperatures continue to fall, the water will reach 39.2°F.  This is the temperature at which water is most dense.  As water continues to cool to 39.2°F, it will sink to the bottom until the entire water column is 39.2°F.  When the surface is calm, and temperatures continue to drop, water that is colder than 39.2°F becomes less dense and floats on the surface. Finally, when the water reaches 32°F, it freezes. This process is what causes ponds and lakes to freeze from the top down and not the bottom up.  


Ice formation on a pond or lake is a normal winter occurrence, however, there are certain circumstances in which you may prefer to keep ice at bay.  If you have swans or other waterfowl and you wish to keep some open water for them over the winter, diffused aeration could be your answer. A diffused aeration system can be installed to keep areas of water from freezing on your pond or lake. This process is achieved in multiple steps:

During the winter months, one of our clients would make a daily trek out to his pond to cut a hole in the ice for his waterfowl. His wife grew tired of this and called us to install an aeration system. He can now enjoy watching the ducks and geese swim in their ice-free environment from the comfort of his own home. He, his wife, and the waterfowl could not be happier.  


In addition to maintaining the environment for waterfowl, you may also want to prevent ice formation to avoid damage to boats or other structures that remain in the water, such as walls or docks and their pilings. A final benefit of diffused aeration is the prevention of fish kills. When ice is covering a waterbody’s surface, there is no way for the natural exchange of gases to occur between the atmosphere and the water. If ice and snow are too thick on the water’s surface; sunlight cannot penetrate the water for photosynthesis to occur. Oxygen will slowly be depleted from the water and toxic gases from decomposition under the ice can slowly build up. These conditions can result in a winter fish kill. This outcome can be prevented by keeping an area open and allowing the water to be exposed to air. Thus, aeration is a year-round tool that can help maintain a healthy waterbody for all!   

Want to know which diffuser system is right for you? Check out our blog post on how to choose a diffused aeration system!


Aquatic Environment Consultants can help ensure the health of your lake or pond during the winter months with the installation of a diffused aeration system. Our team is here to answer all your questions. Contact us today to set up a consultation!  

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