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How to Select a Diffused Aeration System for Your Pond

Otterbine aerator in golf pond

What is a Diffused Aeration System?

A diffused aeration system utilizes an air compressor that pumps air into the bottom of a pond to circulate the water. The bubbles mix the water in the pond as they rise to the surface. It is important to mix the water because, in warm summer months, pond water becomes stratified. Meanwhile, in the winter months, a diffused aerator can regulate pond temperature and prevent ice formation.

How Diffuser Systems Work

Stratification occurs when the water on the surface of the pond is warmed by the sun and does not mix with the cooler water on the bottom.  The two layers of water do not mix because they have different densities.  The warmer layer on the surface contains oxygen but the colder layer on the bottom does not. Therefore, the nutrients and sediment that accumulate on the bottom of the pond cannot break down because oxygen is not present.

However, mixing the pond water with a diffused aeration system provides uniform oxygen from the surface water to the bottom of the pond.  Adding oxygen to the bottom of the pond allows the nutrients and sediment to break down more efficiently, therefore reducing the nuisance of plant growth.

2 Things to Consider When Selecting a Diffuser

1. Air Compressors – Volume of Air

There are two types of air compressors that lead the industry in diffused aeration.

The volume of air created by either type of air compressor determines how well a pond can be mixed.  Air volume supplied from a compressor is measured in terms of Cubic Feet per Minute or CFM.  Rotary vane compressors put out higher CFM’s per horsepower than rocking piston compressors but rocking piston compressors operate at a higher pressure. Therefore, rocking piston compressors can be used at greater depths.

Contact our team to find out which compressor is suitable for your pond aeration system.

2. Aeration Systems – Size of Air Bubbles

To de-stratify a waterbody, the size of the air bubbles is an important consideration.  Air can be introduced into a waterbody through various types of diffuser mechanisms or manifolds which create bubbles. As the bubbles rise, they lift the contents of the pond and mix the pond water. This process is called a synergistic lift.  To maximize synergistic lift, it is important for the air manifold in the bottom of the pond to create many small bubbles.

The Aquatic Environment Consultants experts have many years of experience in helping customers choose the appropriate diffuser system for each distinct waterbody. Contact our team today to learn more about which system is best for your body of water.

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